
My energies have been spent elsewhere recently. I am relaunching the blog for several reasons.

One: There’s no better way to know what you know than to write about it. A blog is one way to routinely review beliefs and practices.

Two: Observations about trends in pedagogy continue to interest me.

Three: If you’re going to write, you need a routine. I hope to resurrect that practice. I tend to work best with an assignment so this is one I have given myself. The format may be a little dated by now, but it will serve my purposes.

Where’ve I been? In academia, in semi-retirement. Most of my writing over the past three years has been academic in nature as I pursued a Doctor of Arts in English Pedagogy. (Huzzah! Completed May 2021) The D.A. is a practitioner’s degree, the kind I’ve argued is lacking in most terminal degree programs. Teachers who know how to put theory into practice fulfill a clinical need in the teaching profession. The move back to school was intended to practice what I preach. Participating in securing an Arts degree might lead to more expansion of this aspect of the field. Think of it like medical doctors: we need clinicians who can help train the next generation of teacher practitioners. Like teaching hospitals, you know?